Let Freedom Ring
Happy Fourth of July!!!!!
The Fourth of July is always a good time! Amen?! Parades, hot dogs, watermelons, swimming, fireworks, barbecues, just to name a few things that happen every fourth.
Our little community always has the sweetest parade with popsicles, watermelon eating contest, and fun for all!
The question is…
Every Fourth, do we really grasp what the Fourth of July really is about? Or do we just say, “Whoo Hoo! We are FREE! We are independent! We are America!”
I looked it up and here is what google has to say about the Fourth:
On July 4th, the Continental Congress formally adopted the Declaration of Independence, which had been written largely by Jefferson. Though the vote for actual independence took place on July 2nd, from then on the 4th became the day that was celebrated as the birth of American independence.
American Independence!
Independence we know means a state of being independent, but to go deeper it means: freedom from the control, influence, support, aid, or the like, of others.
We became a FREE country! When I look at that personally I see good and I see bad….Good because yes we are FREE, but bad because some could and (I would argue do) abuse that. Which is why we need rules. However, I personally think if we could buy into what God has to say about Freedom, our country would be a much better place today! Just my two cents.
What am I referring to?
Galatians 5:13
You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love.
So many good things there…humble and serving to point out a few things!!!!!
To break it down in Worthy terms here is what I think God is trying to say:
There is freedom that comes with faith in Jesus Christ.
What faith do we need to have in Jesus? Well, for starters we need to believe that Jesus bought our salvation through his blood. He literally died for our freedom, for our salvation, because of His blood we are freed from the slavery to our own sinfulness.
Next thought is what would keep one from sinning if all you have to do is say, “I believe Jesus died for me and I am forgiven, I am free?” Why wouldn’t we just indulge in whatever we want, sex, drugs, rock and roll, stomping on others to get what we want and think we deserve, indulging in too much of something…what keeps a person from doing this if all we have to do is believe?
That is where this verse comes in and Paul, the writer of Galatians, is clearly saying, “Don’t use your freedom in Christ as an opportunity to do whatever, whenever you want, with whoever you want, just because it feels good.” In other words don’t use Christ as an opportunity to selfishly serve your flesh because it feels good to you, because you can, because you want to, because you think you deserve it, because whatever….And he backs that up with…serve one another humbly and in love. BOOF!
When was the last time you served someone humbly and in love?
When I think about this idea I think of all the men and women who have fought and died for you and for me…all so we can be free. Their service to our country is a gift that we do not deserve. We surely do not deserve the gift of forgiveness for all our sins from Jesus… and when I think of all the strangers who have gone to war for you, for me, for this country, and died…. I think WOW! Did they deserve death? No, absolutely not, yet they paid the ultimate price.. and one could argue those of us sitting at home eating our hotdogs and sipping on our beer do not deserve their service. Talk about humbling.
So this Fourth of July….when you think of your freedom, remember those who paid the ultimate price and remember the freedom you are living in through Christ’s blood and remember this….God loves you! So much! So look for His love and strive to serve one another with that same love. If we could all do that….well this world would be a better place. In my humble opinion.
Happy Fourth Friends!!!!
PS….this Fourth of July remember: The reason we celebrate the Fourth of July is because of our fallen and serving soldiers. These soldiers have fought in the past and many more are still fighting for our country, lives, and freedom so that we can all live in peace. So Peace Be with You!!!! And Happy Fourth!!!!!
Happy Fourth from our Family to Yours!!!!!!