
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

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Take Two

Take Two

Have you ever started something, put it down, and then found yourself going back to it after a period of time?

Ya? Me too! And that is what brings me to today’s post.

Last year I had this big idea that I was going to take you on a “Joy Ride Through the Bible.” It was and is a great idea! I love where my heart was, but for some reason I put it down.

Well, here I am today picking it up. God has been whispering to me, “Amy, what about that devotional? Why did we put that down?”

I really don’t have the answer. My last post on this literally was in July a year ago. Nothing big or tragic happened, I just put it down.

The lesson here is that it is ok if you put something down for a period of time and decide to come back to it.

Society tells us that if we put something down and we are not in the hospital, on maternity leave, or dealing with a sick family member, then we have failed. That is simply not the case.

Let’s be real – life sometimes gets in the way! Sometimes you just need a mental health getaway or you just want to hit the pause button for a while on whatever it is.

Maybe for you it was your Network Marketing side gig, maybe it was a quilt you started, or a hobby, maybe it was a business on social, whatever it was and whatever the reason is that you put it down, the real point here is:

You owe zero explanation as to why you put it down.

AND furthermore if you want to pick it back up, permission granted by me! Do it!

So here’s to picking back up where we left off in our Joy Ride Through the Bible and here’s to you allowing yourself to pick up where you left off IF YOU WANT TO….NO EXPLANATION NEEDED!


Until Next Time,




Sana Italian! (Healthy Italian)

Sana Italian! (Healthy Italian)

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