
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

 Wrestling with the Concept: "Blessings go where God tells them to Go"

Wrestling with the Concept: "Blessings go where God tells them to Go"

In my quiet time this morning I came across the quote, “Blessings go where God tells them to Go”. This one sits in my gut a little unnerved. I am not sure why either. So I decided to take to my journal and hash it out. Oddly I felt God nudging me to share my thoughts with you guys, so here goes nothing.

As I dive into the depths of scripture, particularly the book of Deuteronomy, my mind swirls with questions about this idea of blessings and God’s providence. The phrase, “Blessings go where God tells them to go” resonates deeply within me, yet it also bothers me. Any time my heart gets an unsettling nudge I decide to pick it apart. Today I am realizing this is not sitting right with me at my core because I feel it raises profound questions about the intersection of God’s will and human suffering.

This morning I find myself confronting the dilemma: IF blessings indeed flow according to God’s direction, what about the presence of pain and suffering in our lives? Does this mean that everything happens according to God’s plan and nothing happens by chance? What about the bad?  Does the bad happen because of God’s plan? From my understanding of the book of Job, while God does “allow” challenges to arise, it is crucial to note that God’s ultimate protection preserved Job’s life. 

The more I ponder this idea, the more restless I become. Maybe because our community has a family that has suffered a huge loss that is unexplainable and I want to scream, “did you allow that God?” This devastation in our neighborhood has left me grappling with this question on a visceral level. I can’t help but wonder, did God really allow such loss and sorrow? And as I reflect on the trials my own family has endured, I am confronted with the same uncertainty. 

When I look at the world around me, I see many people suffering… I am sure you see that too. It is hard not to. I know deep down that each person's pain is their pain and we will never know how deep the cut goes unless we walk in their shoes, so I am not about to suggest anyone’s pain is less than another's. Because I believe, pain is pain is pain is pain.

I am wrestling with the notion that while blessings follow God's direction, He still permits pain. Can't He intervene to prevent it, alleviate illness, or divert disaster? And if so, why doesn't He?

Sometimes I get stuck in these difficult WHY’S and I have to look up and look deep within myself and say, “God, I do believe AND I need YOU to help in my disbelief.”  Meaning, God, I know you are where the joy is. I know you delight in blessing, protecting, and loving us. I know you do not harm us. I know you are faithful to me even when I am unfaithful to you. I may not ever know the “Why” behind the pain on this side of heaven, AND I know that it is in times of pain that I need to lean in closer, because you really do have me.

It is in these moments of doubt and disbelief that I run to my two chairs and talk to God acknowledging to Him my struggles while affirming my faith. I do recognize that God is the source of joy and blessing, yet I do still struggle to reconcile this truth with the reality of human suffering. 

This morning while struggling with this intersection of good and suffering, I stopped to remember myself as a kid and when I broke my leg in third grade. I will never forget my dad lying down next to me on the couch and me snuggling up to him and feeling so safe. I know it is the same with God. When our hearts are broken, we just need to lean in and God, our father in heaven, will help our broken hearts to heal and help us to feel joy again. I do believe that even in my doubt. Just as my earthly father offered reassurance when I was hurt as a child, I believe God offers the same comfort to His children in times of distress.

So, where does this leave us? Despite the darkness that surrounds us, I cling to the belief that blessing will ultimately align with His divine plan for our lives. Even when we can’t believe this because the pain is so deep, so real…blessings will come. I do believe this. 

And though our journey through life may be fraught with uncertainty, I hold fast to the promise that light will pierce through the darkness, bringing hope and healing.

To my dear sisters who find themselves in the throes of pain and doubt, may I offer this message of encouragement: trust in God’s faithfulness, even when it feels like all hope is lost. Hold onto the flickering light in the darkness, knowing that God is with you, guiding you through the storm.

YOU ARE WORTHY and God’s love for you knows no bounds. Hold onto hope, for I know you may not believe this right now, but brighter days are ahead. I know deep in my heart that it is so hard to believe, but if you can believe one thing, believe this: God can and will help you in your disbelief. You just need to do one thing. Ask Him. That is it. 

Say to Him, “God, I want to believe you have a plan for this terrible situation, but I don’t, so please help me in my disbelief.” 

Every morning and every night, no matter how long it takes, go to Him with this simple ask that I believe in God’s eyes, embodies a prayer.

I trust without a shadow of a doubt, in your earnest seeking, you will find strength, peace, love, and the unwavering presence of God, guiding you through the darkest of nights into the dawn of a new day filled with little tiny miracles to give you hope and joy.

My prayer today: God, may the person reading this find comfort in your presence, and may Your blessings rain down upon them, restoring joy and peace to their weary soul.~Amen

I adore you wildly!


Dear Little Girl, You are Seen

Dear Little Girl, You are Seen

Reflecting on the Joyful week of Advent

Reflecting on the Joyful week of Advent