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Even at the DMV, there are Angels Among Us

Even at the DMV, there are Angels Among Us

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Angels Among Us

Did you know there are really Angels everywhere?

Somedays they just pop out and are so obvious...like the story I am about to share with you.  

But, sometimes we have to look for them. Other times, I firmly believe they are amongst us, we just cannot see them, or feel them, or recognize them.

Do you know why we can't see those angels among us?

Because some days we are so hard, so closed up,  and hurting so bad, that unless the angel literally slaps you in the face. You just don't know they are there.

But I promise you they are. Look for them. Pray to the Holy Spirit, he will reveal them.  

I honestly forget to do this, but days like today when I remember, well, let's just say it brings me chills and comfort.

Sons may grow into men and grow out of their toys, but in the hearts of mothers, they are still our little boys.

Sons may grow into men and grow out of their toys, but in the hearts of mothers, they are still our little boys.

Today I took my 15 year old son, Will, to the DMV to get his drivers permit.  

On the way there I prayed to the Holy Spirit to please let this go smoothly.

I actually begged! 

You see yesterday, my husband, Trey, took Will at 7:00 am,  and I received a very not-so- happy call at 11:30 am. Will had failed the eye exam.  

Failed the eye exam?  Yep!  Failed the eye exam.  

The boy who is literally legally blind in his left eye did not wear his contact. 

Naturally, after sitting at the DMV for four plus hours and to going through the ENTIRE process, to get to the eye test and Will say, "I can't read that" was not ideal. Let's just say, it was not a pretty ride home.  

This morning I begged the Holy Spirit, "Please throw us a bone." 

I think He heard me.

We walked up to the front door, and I explained to the lady the situation from the day before, and she led us straight to the information desk.

It was there I met my Angel of the day, Miss Charlotte.  

To make a long story short, once we explained the day before she literally looked Will in the eyes and said,

"Son, why did you not wear your contact?"

He explained it fell out Tuesday night at soccer practice.  

She said, "Why did you just not put in another one?"

Good Question!  

He explained that was his last one. She then began to lecture him on how you never wait until the last one.  You always tell your Mama when you have two left!

I sat there with tears streaming down my face thinking this Lady, this Angel, really has my son's attention. He is getting the message!  Thank you.

For those of you with teenagers you can appreciate this.  You see when your kids pull the lazy card, or the entitled card, which happens, (You were a teenager once. You remember).

It's easy to lose your temper.  Let's just say, mine is not pretty. She actually has a name: Tawanda (more about her later).

Sometimes my kids get the message with Tawanda, sometimes they do not, and all the time I have to eat crow and apologize for my behavior. That sucks!  But it is reality, and I do it.

The point here is after the tension from the day before, Will was just not getting it. But this lady talked to him calmly and sternly, and I think he got it.  

Will looked at me, and was so confused as to why I was crying.

Miss Charlotte quickly said, "Son, this is an emotional time for a Mom give her a hug." And he gave me a sideways hug,  and she proceeded to say,  "Not a sideways hug, son!  A Real hug!"  

Do you know what I wanted to do?  I wanted to  jump across that counter and Hug her!  My Angel!

So you see, Angels are here. They are among us. We just need to look for them, and maybe, just maybe, on those really stressful, hurtful, lonely days, if you open up to the Holy Spirit and ask him to be with you and throw you a bone, well, he might send you a Miss Charlotte too! Try it.  I dare you.




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