
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.....Hope you enjoy your time with me!

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Secrets of a Tan-a-holic

Secrets of a Tan-a-holic

My life isn't perfect but my tan is....from lotion source.com

My life isn't perfect but my tan is....from lotion source.com

You guys all know by now that I am a mom and just an ordinary gal,  but I failed to mention a secret about myself....well, not really a secret, because if you ever ask me about it in person I would honestly confess it....but for those of you who don't see me daily you would not know this....I am a tan-a-holic...True story!   It is truly an addiction!  The definition of addiction is:

the fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance, thing, or activity

synonyms:dependency, dependence, habit, problem

I DEPEND on this tan!  I know...it is REDICK!  But I LOVE to be tan!  Let's face it, brown fat is prettier than white fat!  And EVERY Friday (yes I go every friday!) when I step into that booth....it is like magic!  It sprays me and BAM! I am brown AND BONUS 5 lbs lighter!  Yes!  I swear!  5lbs lighter!  Its crazy!  And yes I do know that this is all in my head!  I mean come on, I just sprayed at least 1lb of solution on me.....So in all honesty I might have gained a pound! But, I have also gained this golden glow and it makes me feel a little more confident, and in this day and age I will take any dose of confidence I can get!

I mean seriously, as a mom of three boys, I am at the grocery store almost daily and I have to look at all those bombshells in the magazines on the racks while I wait to check out,  all the while reading the lies these stupid magazines promise you and me!  They are constantly promising me if I do this I will look like this....If I eat this I can lose 5lbs in 5 minutes....if I drink this my hair will not be gray and will grow....if I jump up and down like a monkey 10 times a day the fat will melt...If I wear this, the world will adore me....mix up this mask, put it on your face and you will look 21 again!  You all know what I am talking about! IF you are like me you have bought into these lies a time or two...me personally I STILL buy into them at times when I am down.... 

Well guess what friends....it is all A BUNCH OF BALONEY SANDWICHES!  For real!  I have tried alot of the gimmics and I have learned that while some things really do work for some people, we are all made differently....and MOST things will not work.  So Sad but So True.....

So the moral of this long story....I have found something that does work...for me at least...Spray Tan...it give me confidence and I do it every Friday so I can go into my weekend glowing and 5lbs lighter and eat drink and be merry!  (if you want my solution I am happy to give it up to you-I promise I am ALMOST a pro at!  But my skin type is different than yours so you might have to play with it a bit!)

So there you have it folks...My first confession in the books....I am a tan-a-holic and I am happy and glowing!  

Here's to you finding your little confidence builder and if it is spray tanning I will see you at the Salon!



Even at the DMV, there are Angels Among Us

Even at the DMV, there are Angels Among Us

Take A Breath and Look UP...

Take A Breath and Look UP...